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Testing Services

Testing Services

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the software product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Testing as a Service (TaaS) is an outsourcing model, in which software testing is carried out by a third-party service provider rather than employees of the organization. In TaaS, testing is done by a service provider that specializes in simulating real-world testing environments and finding bugs in the software product.

Testing has always been a significant part of any software development initiative. With recent technology advancements, users and businesses expect a lot more from the software applications and products in terms of user experience, performance, and availability across multiple browsers, devices, and platforms. LTK Soft IT professionals are engaged by our client companies to perform testing services when the client company lacks the skills or resources to carry out testing internally, they do not want the in-house developers to influence the results of the testing process, they wish to save on cost, or to increase the speed of test execution and reduce software development time. LTK Soft delivers end-to-end testing services covering all aspects of software testing and helps our clients to repeat these tests on different combinations of platforms, browsers, and devices. Our services include automated testing, API & Web Services testing, product testing, security testing, performance engineering and usability testing.

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How we can help

Automated Testing

As most people in the software industry know, there are distinct differences between manual testing and automated testing. Manual testing requires physical time and effort to ensure the software code does everything it is supposed to do. In addition, manual testers must make a record of their findings. This involves checking log files, external services, and the database for errors. Automated testing done through an automation tool, reduces the time needed in exploratory tests and devotes more time in maintaining test scripts while increasing overall test coverage.

Automated testing can increase the depth and scope of tests and help significantly to improve software quality and testing accuracy. Lengthy and thorough tests – that are often avoided during manual testing – can be run automatically.

Many LTK Soft clients face multiple ongoing application development and deployment lifecycles that require a faster time-to-market than manual testing allows. LTK Soft has created client automated testing solutions that guarantee coverage and automates the entire testing lifecycle across design, execution, and reporting. Our solutions enable rapid test automation for applications developed across multiple platforms. The benefits for our clients include enhanced coverage, 100% requirement traceability, and optimal test cases.

Automated Testing

Product Testing

Product testing, also called comparative testing, is a process of measuring the properties or performance of products. Product testing seeks to ensure that end users can understand what the products will do for them and which products present the best value. Software testing methodologies encompass everything from unit testing individual modules, integration testing an entire system, to specialized forms of testing such as security and performance.

Product testing is useful for companies across a wide variety of sectors and can help you accomplish a range of goals from improving a product to discovering and correcting design issues with new products to verifying compliance. Test cases probe each way a user may interact with a feature. The goal is to find all possible situations that the developer might not have considered.

LTK Soft product testing utilizes a holistic risk-based approach to product testing that includes unit testing, test cases, environment testing, integration testing and regression testing. Our Software Performance Testing guarantees the need-for-speed necessities of enterprise digital transformations by designing custom solutions that enhance the business value chain. We have a proven track record of helping businesses deeply test applications’ performance before they are market-facing, while ensuring cost efficiency.

Product Testing

Performance Engineering

The need for business applications to be available at the required performance Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a given. Making your production predictable is the key to application availability and performance. In today’s world of digital transactions, faster processing, responsiveness, and a positive user experience are business vitals.

Very often, even if the application provides the desired functionality but the response times are not within acceptable limits to the users, the client may stop using the system. This becomes a major challenge as the significant investments that have gone into building the system will go waste. A good set of performance tests with a robust simulated constraints and production scenario such as large data sets will help uncover performance issues of the system, before the users experience these issues in production. Load tests are performed to ensure the system is scalable and performs consistently as the user base/load increases.

LTK Soft designs and conducts thorough set of performance and load tests on our client’s applications/products making use of industry leading open source and commercial tools as well as proven best practices. LTK Soft Performance Testing and Engineering solutions combine tool expertise with diagnosis capabilities and solutions.

Performance Engineering

API & Web Service Testing

A Web service is merely an API wrapped in HTTP. An API does not always need to be web based. An API consists of a complete set of rules and specifications for a software program to follow to facilitate interaction. API testing, or Application Programming Interfaces testing is a kind of software testing that involves verifying and validating APIs and Web services. It is also a part of integration testing which determines whether the developed APIs meet the tester’s pre-established expectations, such as functionality, reliability, performance, or security.

LTK Soft performs the most comprehensive testing for our clients, we also provide the most detailed test reports to help our teams understand and remediate API and Web service testing flaws faster. Our platform includes APIs that allow all data to be exported in real-time to any platform. With test results stored on a collaborative platform, an entire organization gains a simultaneous testing vision. Our differentiated capabilities in testing allow us to meet our customers’ current and future needs for next generation testing services. LTK Soft API & Webservices testing includes unit testing, environment testing, integration testing and regression testing.

API & Web Service Testing

Security Testing

Applications today are accessible to users on a multitude of devices and platforms. It is easy for a malicious user to gain access to the system or put the system under stress so that it becomes unusable by real users. Security Testing is a type of Software Testing that uncovers vulnerabilities, threats, risks in a software application and prevents malicious attacks from intruders.

LTK Soft designs comprehensive security tests to assess all major vulnerabilities. Typical security requirements may include specific elements of confidentiality, integrity, authentication, availability, authorization, non-repudiation, compliance, legal requirements, and privacy constraints. We produce comprehensive reports for our client companies on the vulnerabilities of the system and make recommendations on how to address them. Our Security Testing services across a variety of industry verticals and enterprises ensure cyber-safety, leading to robust brand image and client retention. Our team does an extensive analysis of the application to find vulnerabilities, thereby enabling an organization to effectively prioritize and remediate the vulnerabilities to improve its overall security posture drastically.

Security Testing

Usability Testing

The purpose of usability testing is to reveal and document issues that compromise the usability of a software application. Organizations with multiple ongoing application development and deployment lifecycles require a faster time-to-market. They tend to dedicate less time for testing while covering limited test cases. In fact, a recent study by a Leading Analyst organization notes that an enterprise at an average automates only 16% of its entire Application Testing Lifecycle. Even those enterprises that do invest in automation, are unable to realize the desired ROI. So, there is a need for a solution that guarantees coverage and automates the entire testing lifecycle across design, execution, and reporting.

To rigorously evaluate an application’s usability, LTK Soft professionals initially familiarizes itself with the application’s core functionality. Then, drawing from thousands of hours testing similar products, the team will exercise every area within the application to determine whether the application’s functionality makes sense to the intended user before making recommendations for possible improvements.

Usability Testing