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Agile & DevOps

Agile & DevOps

DevOps is a combination of two words, development and operations. Without a DevOps approach, there’s often significant tension between those who create new features and those who maintain the stability of the solution in production. The development teams are measured on the business value they deliver to end users, while IT service management is measured on the health and stability of the production environment. When each group has seemingly opposing business objectives, delivery inefficiency and organizational friction may rule the day. But DevOps ends the silo approach, providing an enterprise with the ability to develop, deploy, and release small batches of functionality to the business or customer in a flow process or a continuous delivery pipeline. DevOps is a mindset, a culture, and a set of technical practices. It provides communication, integration, automation, and close cooperation among all the people needed to plan, develop, test, deploy, release, and maintain a Solution.

In short, DevOps introduces a fundamental change in the way the Development, Operations and Testing teams interact with each other to ensure faster, reliable, and secure delivery of software. This has enabled organizations to respond faster to changing customer needs and market requirements in the digital age.

LTK Soft Agile and DevOps offerings enable our customers to achieve a connected DevOps tool chain for end-to-end application release empowering reliable releases and faster time to market. They deliver comprehensive capabilities across application release management, release automation, and continuous deployment leveraging best-of-breed technologies across each layer of the tool chain. Businesses that have adopted DevOps see significant benefits — Shorter development cycles, increased release velocity, improved defect detection, reduced deployment failures and reduced time to recover from failure.

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How we can help

Managed Services

DevOps integration often takes time to cultivate and refine. Starting a relationship with an experienced DevOps Managed Service group can help manage some of the growing pains that come with adopting new methodologies. The ideal team will have the expertise to help with all aspects of DevOps integration and optimization and create a custom plan geared towards the specific needs of your organization. LTK Soft Managed Service Providers (MSP) have experience and skills in DevOps. Specifically, continuous integration / continuous delivery processes and practices. LTK Soft is proud of our experience of providing DevOps Managed Services in 14 industries.

Managed Services

Agile Digital

Agile Digital Services help businesses face increasing competition and the threat of market disruption fueled by advances of the digital age. The traditional business model features disconnected, non-integrated platforms by business function and projects with 6 to 18-month lifecycles. Quite often, by the time the project is completed, market and customer requirements have changed with success criteria and ROI seldom realized. To avoid these pitfalls, companies must embrace adaptable differentiation by developing a “digital agility advantage” that allows a company to embrace market and operational changes as a matter of routine using digital technologies.

Agile Digital

Experienced Talent

LTK Soft understands that a winning combination is not just talent or experience, but its talent coupled with experience. Many of the start-up entrepreneurs in the tech space where young people who had a vision, the talent but may not have had the experience of building an enterprise. LTK Soft believes this success was in part due to excellent mentorship and advice offered by people around them, be it a start-up accelerator, a VC firm or board of directors. Thus, we not only strive to hire the best available talent in the industry, but we ensure our talent is availed continuous mentorship and training opportunities to gain a wealth of experience as an ongoing endeavor.

Experienced Talent